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Nurses' Clinic


Healthy students are a priority in the Park Hill School District, and we work together with both parents and health departments to keep our students healthy.  Our health room staff are ready to assist students as needed.  

Contacts and Authorizations

It is imperative that current emergency telephone numbers and addresses be recorded during the first week of school so emergency contact can be made if necessary. Please contact the nurse if phone number changes need to be made so that the most current information is available

By law, the Park Hill School District cannot speak with doctors or other health-care providers about a students' health without permission from the student's parents or guardian.  If you would like district staff to release student information to work with health-care providers, please complete the attached form and return it to the health staff.

Consent for release of student information (PDF)
Permission for Student to Carry and Self-Administer Rx Epinephrine
Permission for Student to Carry and Self-Administer Rx Asthma Med Form
Medication Authorization Form Secondary

Robin Roe

Robin Roe

Contact Robin Roe

Stacy Blahnik

Contact Stacy Blahnik