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Strategic Plan

strategic plan

Building School Improvement Plan (BSIP)

Below are Park Hill South's goals for the 2021-2022 school year. 

Goal 1:  Each student will graduate college, career and life-ready

Developing high-trust and low-stress classroom environment

  • Increase the percentage of students reporting they lose track of time in class because they are focused on activities to 45% (from 39%) in the panorama survey
  •  Increase the percentage of students reporting teachers would be concerned for them if they walked into class upset to 75% 
  •  Increase the percentage of students reporting teachers take time to make sure they understanding the material to 85% (from 66%) in the panorama survey
  •  Increase the percentage of students reporting teachers will make them keep trying on a task they feel like giving up on to 85% (from 67%) in the panorama survey

Multiple Tiers of Student Support (MTSS)

  • 1.2.1  Academic (TBD)
  • 1.2.2  Behavior (TBD)

Goal 2: Ensure success for ALL students regardless of background

Increase students' sense of belonging to 50% (from 41%) as evidenced through the Panorama survey.

2.2.1 Increase the percentage of teachers and staff that say PHS has a positive school climate to 50% as evidenced through the panorama survey.
2.2.2  Increase the percentage of students reporting they feel connected to adults at PHS to 66% (from 34%) in the panorama survey.  Each student will identify at least one trusted adult and one study skills adult on their EOS profiles by November 2021
2.2.3  Teachers will say the names of each of their students correctly and meaningfully each day.

District School Improvement Plan

Read more about our district strategic plan