The Inclusion and Equity Council (I&EC) is a group of teachers, counselors, support staff and administrators who meet bi-monthly with the purpose to facilitate best practices to our systems. These systems are Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Student Intervention Teams (SIT), Leadership Committee and Trusted Adults. Each meeting the council spends dedicated time to explore their own learning to continue their journey of understanding.
Goals of I&E Council for the 2021-2022 School Year
- Increase students’ sense of belonging to 80% (from 36%) as evidenced in the Panorama survey. The Panorama survey is given twice a year.
- Each student will identify at least one trusted adult and one study skills adult on their Equal Opportunity Schools (EOS) survey. The EOS survey is given twice a year.
- Teachers will say the names of each of their students correctly and meaningfully each day as evidenced during walkthroughs.
I&E Subcommittees
There are three subcommittees that drive the work for our building and community. Below are those subcommittees.
- Homeroom Student Lessons
- Heritage Month Celebrations
- Staff Professional Development
Inclusion and Equity Council Members
April Barton, Teacher - Science
Elizabeth Brockhoff, Teacher - Music
Lisa Brooks-Hammond, Teacher - ELA
Lauren Caldwell, Social Worker
John Carr, Administrator
Callie Colvin, Teacher - Art
Kent Cramer, Teacher - Missouri Options
Andy Dale, Counselor
Laura Deering, Teacher - Science
Josh Dorr, Teacher - Social Studies
Traci Dorrell, Counselor
Gabi Dorrell, Administrative Assistant
Beth Esco, Administrator
Pepper Gerstner, Administrative Assistant
Kerrie Herren, Administrator
Bret Howren, District Learning Facilitator
Kim Kreicker, Teacher - ELD
Brett Lackey, Administrator
Katie Manga, RTI Coordinator
Diane Markley, Administrator
Arin McMullen, Campus Supervisor
Bruce Menard, Student Teacher - Math
Danny Parra, Teacher - Business
Brad Peck, Teacher - Social Studies
Amanda Roth, Teacher - Foreign Language
Amy Schneider, Teacher - PE
Angie Sharp, Counselor
Somer Stuhlsatz, Teacher - Math
John Sutton, Campus Supervisor
Anna Thiele, Teacher - Foreign Language
Caitlin Turpin, Teacher - Math
Melvin Walker, Administrator Intern
Jan Whitlow, Teacher Assistant - Writing Center
Greg Williams, Teacher - Social Studies
Vanessa Zamzow, Teacher - Math